WhatsApp Chat & Abandoned Cart by Dizyhub

A better Shopify experience for your online customers

Great features and more convenience to help boost sales in your Shopify store.

Free Trial


Plug WhatsApp into your Shopify online store beautifully!
Support for COD

Confirm COD orders using WhatsApp Send Cash On Delivery order verification messages.

24/7 Sales and Support

Enable 24/7 sales and support with WhatsApp chatbots and Team Inbox.

WhatsApp Chat Button

Add a WhatsApp Chat button to make it a preferred channel of your Shopify store.

Ecommerce Notification

Send order shipment and delivery notifications on WhatsApp.

Abandoned Cart Messages

Send abandoned cart, delivery and tracking update messages on WhatsApp

Analytics & Performance

Easy to track analytics of your account’s performance via the Dizyhub dashboard.

Trusted by the fastest growing brands in rapidly developing economies

Frequently Asked Questions

It connects your Shopify store with Dizyhub WhatsApp Business for better customer engagement.

create a dizyhub account get link your whatsapp and attach your tokan key and tokaneez.

Dizyhub WhatsApp Business API streamlines the process of sending cart abandonment reminders, prompting customers to finalize their orders. These reminders can incorporate hyperlinks or interactive buttons for convenient access to the purchase page, along with the possibility of featuring exclusive deals or savings.

Abandoned cart reminders, order confirmations, shipment updates, and Send marketing messages what you want to say.

This feature sends WhatsApp alerts to verify or cancel Cash on Delivery orders, offering fraud prevention measures.

WhatsApp bulk broadcasting can save time and streamline communication within the education industry, enhancing engagement and improving the overall learning experience. However, it's important to ensure that you comply with privacy regulations and obtain proper consent when using WhatsApp for educational communications.