Custom Notifications

Establish relationships and boost sales.

Utilize personalized message alerts to propel your business ahead.

Free Trial
Alert Users

Notify team users assigned to contacts of incoming messages.

Inform Contacts

Notify your contacts about promotions, shipment details, abandoned carts, and more.

Build Relationships

Enable 5 member in one time second 25 member and third plan unlimited user connect.

Time to Time information for users

Keep customers and prospects informed

Increase website traffic and enhance conversion rates.

Notify customers when products are back in stock or services are scheduled.

Promote additional products and services based on previous purchases or interests.

Offers and promotions

Alert customers and contacts of relevant deals.

Notify customers of special offers and discounted prices.

Offer specific customers or prospects tailored deals to help maximize conversion.

Enhanced Strong connections

Promote continuity of communication between specific users, and contacts.

Customize notifications based on messages to assigned teams.

Customize notifications to alert users and teams to messages from specific contacts.

our testimonials

Our 1000+ coustomer said...

Using our single innovative platform you can remove all your communication dependencies and the messy rat's nest of email, calls, texts, wikis, and apps you currently have.

I've been patiently waiting for this to arrive after using addkitfor a while on my project. This is fantastic work as usual by Good Themes. Keep up the good work!

Meet Rafaliya

I've been patiently waiting for this to arrive after using addkitfor a while on my project. This is fantastic work as usual by Good Themes. Keep up the good work!

Ketan Baldaniya

I've been patiently waiting for this to arrive after using addkitfor a while on my project. This is fantastic work as usual by Good Themes. Keep up the good work!

Denish Gothadiya

Unlock the full potential of WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram messaging with a top WhatsApp Business Solution Provider. Leverage their expertise to boost customer engagement and streamline your social media communication.